PLAY IT SAFE gives women, teens, and children the confidence and increased awareness skills that could keep them from potential danger.
Build Confidence and Increase Awareness
Play It Safe Defense has been taught to hundreds of thousands of children, teens, and women since 2003. Students include Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, after-school programs, kids’ camps, local businesses, and groups of children.

Play It Safe Classes for Children
As Seen on “Dr. Phil” & “The Doctors T.V.”
We teach our students to “GO CHIHUAHUA CRAZY!”
PLAY IT SAFE is a fun, interactive, age-appropriate method that teaches students to respond appropriately to unique challenges they might face, such as: dealing with bullies, friendship drama, stranger awareness, inappropriate touch from someone they might know, and abduction defense.
PLAY IT SAFE is based on a simple, but very effective, step-by-step approach. Students role-play techniques against trained instructors in age-appropriate scenarios. This empowering 2 hour class teaches children ages 6 to 11 years old to be aware of their surroundings, project confidence, set boundaries, and trust their intuition. This is reinforced through hands-on, repetitive training. Students will role-play with a mock stranger and a mock bully, while being coached by an instructor.

Play It Safe for Women and Teens: Girls on Guard
Realistic, practical scenario-based training. This class is primarily for women and teens 13 years and older, and is taught in a 2 hour format. The Play It Safe basic self-defense material is taught, along with full-contact responses against instructors wearing special armored suits. Girls on Guard also focuses on the most common sexual assault scenarios. Students are specifically taught to avoid a man’s strengths while employing their own unique strengths against a man’s weakest targets. Please see Girls on Guard
Our next Class is scheduled for: Sunday, December 1st, 2-4p.m.